Last modified: Mar 14, 2024

Optics & Grill
Audi e-tron GT has some different options for optics and single frame grill
Standard optics
This is the optics that is standard on Audi e-tron GT. Front elements in Manhatten grey.

Standard optics with singleframe grill in body color (Kemora)

Standard optics with singleframe grill in body color (Suzuka)

Standard optics with singleframe grill in body color (Mythos)

Standard optics with singleframe grill in hekla grey

Standard optics with singleframe grill in hekla grey

Daytona Grey with standard optics and singleframe grill in hekla grey
Black optics
This has option 4ZD and is standard on Audi RS e-tron GT

Black optics with singleframe grill in body color (Mythos)

Black optics with singleframe grill in body color (Mythos)
Black optics Plus
This has option 4ZP.

Black optics plus with singleframe grill in body color (Ascari)

Black optics plus with body color single frame grill by Auditography
Carbon optics
This has option SL3

Carbon optics with body color single frame grill

Carbon optics with body color single frame grill

Carbon optics with body color single frame grill

Carbon optics with black single frame grill and black rings

Carbon optics with black single frame grill and black rings

Carbon optics with black single frame grill and black rings

Carbon optics with black single frame grill and black rings

Carbon optics with black badges and carbon details on diffusor

Carbon optics with carbon details above diffusor

Carbon optics with carbon details in door
Singleframe grill
The grill can be delivered in 3 different stylings
Singleframe in Hekla grey
This has option id 6HO and is standard on Audi e-tron GT. This is only available with standard optics. Not avaiable on RS e-tron GT.

Standard optics with singleframe grill in hekla grey
Singleframe in body color
This has option id 6H1 and is standard on Audi RS e-tron GT. Can be combined with all optics packages.

Carbon optics with body color single frame grill

Carbon optics with body color single frame grill

Carbon optics with body color single frame grill
Singleframe in polished black
This has option id 6H2. Only avaiable with black optic, black optic plus and carbon optics.

Carbon optics with black single frame grill and black rings

Black optics plus with black single frame grill and black rings
Audi all-electric models
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